Our Suppliers

Our Suppliers

Mutual respect and collaboration.

Our suppliers support, enhance and improve our delivery, so it is vital that we collaborate and innovate together. Our suppliers are integral to our delivery and enjoy the same fairness, inclusion and respect we afford to our own people.

Our Suppliers

Mutual respect and collaboration.

Our suppliers support, enhance and improve our delivery, so it is vital that we collaborate and innovate together. Our suppliers are integral to our delivery and enjoy the same fairness, inclusion and respect we afford to our own people.

A collaborative approach to Supply Chain Management.

At VINCI Facilities we work with our Supply Chain collaboratively to drive efficiency, improve HSE performance, reduce costs and deliver an excellent quality product to our clients. We forge mutually beneficial, long lasting relationships in order to ensure we are our supply chains partner of choice.

We clearly set out our expectations of our supply chain as well our commitments to them. We foster an environment of Fairness, Inclusion and Respect between all parties ensuring teamwork and collaboration are the norm. We work to harness the expertise that exists within our supply chain to complement our own teams’ strengths, working together to exceed client expectations. We work in an integrated way with our supply chain in order to draw out innovation, efficiencies and better ways of working.

We also work with our suppliers to ensure that we procure sustainably and ethically in order to enrich the communities in which we work and mitigate environmental harm. Over 60% of our work is delivered by our supply chain so it is vital that we hold the correct level of relationship with each partner. We ensure that our terms and conditions, payment practises and commercial negotiations are conducted in line with our own VINCI values and code of ethics and have developed the commitments brochure to set out our intentions in this regard.

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